Workshop: what we learn about faith formation from recently baptised adults

Thursday 13 February 2025 8-9pm NZDT
(Not in NZ? Find when it is at your place here

We’re running a workshop next month,
considering the insights and implications
from our recent research on recently baptised adults’
perceptions of God and their aspirations towards living good lives.

We’ll be chatting about:
What motivates faith formation
What do people aspire to be like, and why
Why might people want to become Christian or deepen their faith today

Everyone is welcome!

Zoom details are in the image: Meeting ID: 922 5381 9845/Password: 949020



Lynne is Jack Somerville Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology at Otago University; Director and Researcher for AngelWings Ltd; and, most importantly, wife-of-Steve; mumma of Shannon and Kayli; and daughter, sister, friend, aunt (and other essential relational connections). She’s passionate about helping people discover and grow in relationship with God. Also coffee. And creativity. And sunrises. Beaches. All sorts of good things.

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