Off for peer review!

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Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

I’ve just submitted a journal article – the first to come out of my current research on how churches responded to covid-19. It’s based on a case study of one church (I’m calling it ABC).

In it I note the congruence between ABC’s vision and values and what they’ve done over the past 15 months. I hope it will encourage churches to live into and out of their (presumably good!) vision and values. To not try to be something online that they are not offline. And to keep the wider purpose at the centre of what they do.

Hopefully the article will make it through peer review in the next few months. (Peer review is like getting your essay marked, but you (hopefully) get a chance to fix the things that need fixing, and it gets published).

Once it’s published, I’ll be able to post a link so you can read it for yourself. Watch this space (but don’t hold your breath: these things take time!)

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Lynne is Jack Somerville Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology at Otago University; Director and Researcher for AngelWings Ltd; and, most importantly, wife-of-Steve; mumma of Shannon and Kayli; and daughter, sister, friend, aunt (and other essential relational connections). She’s passionate about helping people discover and grow in relationship with God. Also coffee. And creativity. And sunrises. Beaches. All sorts of good things.

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