I’m into the coding! Exploring how churches responded to covid. What did their earliest lock down services look like?

I watched and loosely transcribed my first complete online service yesterday. This morning I’ve started coding it.

I LOVE coding things, especially this early stage when the data is fresh and you’re not certain what will emerge.

I’m seeing familiar elements of worship, carefully crafted. Participation, both on screen and at home. Opportunities to connect, during and after worship. Naming of human situation, alongside reminders of God’s presence, not (i realise as I write this) much about God’s character. Embodied actions invited. A comment recognising that the future will be different than the past… (is the minister foreshadowing that church will be different in the future??)

Lovely, rich data!

I’m only up to page 2, and haven’t actually checked I’ve covered all the preliminary codes I identified from the literature.

Watch this space!



Lynne is Jack Somerville Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology at Otago University; Director and Researcher for AngelWings Ltd; and, most importantly, wife-of-Steve; mumma of Shannon and Kayli; and daughter, sister, friend, aunt (and other essential relational connections). She’s passionate about helping people discover and grow in relationship with God. Also coffee. And creativity. And sunrises. Beaches. All sorts of good things.