
This is a spot where I share some thoughts about life, spirituality, mission and ministry. Thanks for stopping by!

BY: Dr. Lynne Taylor | March 22, 2025

I’ve long been curious about how and why people come to embrace (and remain in) the Christian faith. In a western context of declining church attendance and declining religious affiliation, some people – even among those who did not grow up in the church – choose to become Christians.

I explored this in my 2017 PhD thesis, by interviewing a small number of adult Australians who came from an unchurched background and had become Christians in the previous two years. One of the interesting findings was the match that existed between what the participants told me they liked about God and what they aspired to be more like themselves. They told me that they saw God as loving, powerful, patient, accepting and forgiving; and that they wanted to be more loving, patient, accepting and forgiving themselves. It was one finding among many – and one that I flagged for further investigation.

Space to Explore the (Possible) Connection

Fast forward a few years, and in 2023, I was delighted to be accepted as a Fellow on the University of Birmingham “New Perspectives on Social Psychology and Religious Cognition for Theologians” Fellowship. I am grateful for funding from the Fellowship (made possible by the John Templeton Foundation) that has enabled me to explore this possible connection further. I’ve used the funding to set aside some of my own time for this project and to employ a part-time research assistant: the fabulous Dr Jessica Bent. In our research, we’re working to better understand if there exists a relationship between people’s perceptions of God and their aspirations towards being better people.

A Gap in the Literature!

We started by looking for other work that makes the connection between people’s personal aspirations towards being a better person, and their god concepts and god images. We didn’t find much. At all. Which is, of course good and bad – good because it’s clearly a gap in the literature; and bad because we couldn’t find another study to replicate. But that’s OK! There was still lots to read and explore, from both psychology and theology.

The Imago Dei

A theology of imago Dei asserts that human persons are made in the image of God, to reflect God’s image or attributes. Defining who people inherently are, the imago Dei also impacts on both how we live and how we aspire to live. Theologian, Theodore Runyon called it a vocation, and a true destiny.[1] Those familiar with psychology might be hearing echoes of the ideal self…We sure did!

Photo by Jianxiang Wu on Unsplash

The Ideal Self – And a Little Michelangelo

Psychologist, Theresa DiDonato explains that “the ideal self encompasses the type of person an individual aspires to become: the constellation of behaviors, traits, and skills she wishes to acquire.”[2] The ideal self can motivate people towards a place where their actual self matches what they see as their ideal and ought self.

Achieving their ideal is not something that one can do alone. Some have compared others’ assistance in forming one’s ideal self to the sculptor Michelangelo, working to reveal the true artform from within a block of stone. While generally this connection is made to a romantic partner, some scholars, like Elaine Cheung and Wendi Gardner, extend the idea in relation to a community of sculptors who have different skills and emphases. We could readily see how belonging to a church that was made up of people who wanted to live according to their Christian values might also help move people towards ideal selves that were defined by those values. And we wondered if people who understood themselves to be in a relationship with God, and appreciated attributes of God, might aspire to an ideal self that is like God.

Investigating the Connection

We started data gathering with a questionnaire completed by recently baptised adult Christians (from Baptist Churches in New Zealand), in which we investigated if their God representations correlate with the attributes that they aspire to live out themselves.

We chose recently baptised adults because in Baptist churches, baptism signifies a personal commitment to Christianity and a desire for ongoing personal transformation. Those being baptised usually share a testimony beforehand where they describe why they have chosen to be baptised. Therefore, we figure that they will have recently considered the meaning and the implications of their faith. This made them an ideal sample, especially as we’re also interested in whether an aspiration-attribute match motivates faith formation.

We designed a questionnaire that asked what participants wanted to be more and less like, and what they appreciated about God. There was a combination of open-ended questions and other, quantifiable measures.

At the end of the questionnaire, we asked directly if “reflecting on what God is like” made them “want to be more like God.” They all said yes, it did; and all but one indicated that “reflecting on what God is like” made them “want to be a better person.” Unfortunately, we’d only ended up with a very small sample size (17 valid responses) so we couldn’t do any quantitative analyses. But the qualitative data was rich and confirmed our hypothesis…

They did want to be like God! In the open-ended questions about what they wanted to be more like, their responses (for instance, more graceful, less “for myself”, and less independent) matched the attributes of God they said they most appreciated (the same person said: God is graceful, Jesus is servant-like, Jesus is fatherly, God is friend). Each participant showed at least one match between their aspirations and the attributes of God they appreciated.

The matches fitted within twelve different categories: self-giving, active, Christ-like, loving, faithful, mental wellbeing, patient, generous, relational, authenticity, forgiving, and other spiritual. Of these different categories, matches were most prominent in the self-giving (self-control, humble, self-less, obedient) category.

What’s Next?

Because we didn’t get enough responses to statistically analyse the quantitative data in this first study, we refined and simplified the questionnaire and gathered more data from anyone aged over 18 who considers themselves to be of Christian faith. We expected that this general cohort may be less likely to have matching aspirations and appreciated attributes, but that they will still exist for most participants. We’re currently analysing this second dataset, and it looks like this is the case!

Why Are We Interested?

We hope that this research contributes to both theological and psychological theory, and helps churches and Christians understand how they can best support people towards flourishing. Churches can play a role in helping their congregation members healthily define what their ideal self is like, and then to support them towards those aspirations.

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Thursday 13 February 2025 8-9pm NZDT
(Not in NZ? Find when it is at your place here

We’re running a workshop next month,
considering the insights and implications
from our recent research on recently baptised adults’
perceptions of God and their aspirations towards living good lives.

We’ll be chatting about:
What motivates faith formation
What do people aspire to be like, and why
Why might people want to become Christian or deepen their faith today

Everyone is welcome!

Zoom details are in the image: Meeting ID: 922 5381 9845/Password: 949020

a woman sitting on a couch reading a book

Wow! A lot has happened since I last talked about my Birmingham fellowship project that explores the relationship between people’s perceptions of God and their aspirations towards living well. Jessica and I finished collecting and analysing our first set of data (thank you everyone who shared and/or completed the questionnaire!) and we presented our findings at the Ecclesiology and Ethnography conference in Durham. Just like last year, it was a pleasure to be part of the conference. There was so much to learn and so many good papers from presenters across the world.

In our presentation, we described the pilot study we have completed – what we did and what we discovered – and outlined what our next steps along this research journey will be. In summary, our pilot study, consisting of an online questionnaire completed by adults baptised in NZ Baptist churches in the last five years, found that people do want to be like God… The things they wrote they wanted to be like (for instance, more graceful, less “for myself”, and less independent) matched the attributes of God they most appreciated (the same person said: God is graceful, Jesus is servant-like, Jesus is fatherly, God is friend). Each of the seventeen people who responded to the qualitative questions showed at least one match between their aspirations and the attributes of God they appreciated.

We found matches within twelve different categories: self-giving, active, Christ-like, loving, faithful, mental wellbeing, patient, generous, relational, authenticity, forgiving, and other spiritual. Of these different categories, matches were most prominent in the self-giving (self-control, humble, self-less, obedient) category. Which is something we are very interested in! 

Just as interesting was that each of the twelve participants who responded to the question said that “reflecting on what God is like” made them “want to be more like God.” All but one also indicated that “reflecting on what God is like” made them “want to be a better person.” While five respondents noted that reflecting on God made them “realize that they weren’t very good,” three said that reflecting on God made them “realize that they [are] very good.” In fact, one of these respondents indicated that reflecting on God made them realize that they are both not very good and very good. Such a nuanced understanding of one’s humanity can certainly be understood theologically!  

So where to from here? We didn’t get enough responses to statistically analyse the quantitative data, so (having refined and simplified the questionnaire and our God Attributes Measure) we started gathering more data from anyone aged over 18 who considers themselves to be of Christian faith.

(That questionnaire is now closed, with sufficient responses – keep an eye on the blog for more!)

We’d love you to let others know about it:

Research on faith and spirituality

Are you aged over eighteen years and a person of Christian faith? If so, Dr Lynne Taylor and Dr Jessica Bent (from the Theology Programme, University of Otago) invite you to take part in a research study on faith and spirituality. It is part of ongoing research on contemporary faith formation.

If you choose to take part in our research, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire (it will take approximately 15 minutes) that asks you questions about your perceptions of God and yourself.

You’ll find more information and the questionnaire here:

Dr Lynne Taylor
Jack Somerville Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology, University of Otago
Director and Researcher, AngelWings Ltd
© Lynne Taylor, 2024,  

Photo by Peter Hammer on Unsplash

The 2023 Census data on religious affiliation, released in October 2024, contains few surprises. The number and proportion of people of no religion has continued to grow, at a slower rate than previously. Overall, there has been a decline in both the number and proportion of Christians. As with other censuses, different denominations and groupings show different rates of decline, and some have grown. The number of people who stated they were “Christian” without further clarifying has continued to grow. There is a lot to explore and consider in the data, and what follows is an initial analysis of some of the numbers.

No religion

The number of people in New Zealand stating that they have no religious affiliation continues to rise, increasing from 1,663,348 in 2013 to 2,576,049 in 2023 (an increase of 58% over the decade).  This means that people of no religion now make up 52% of the New Zealand population.

While the increase between 2018 and 2023 is (at 14%) still large, the rate of increase has slowed: between 2013 to 2018 the increase had been 38%: over 2.5 times the 2018-2023 rate. At an average of 2.8% per year, the 2018 to 2023 increase is slightly more than twice the NZ population increase of 1.3% per year (averaged 2018-2023).

A similar pattern is seen for those who object to answering the religion question. This increased by 98% over the ten years, to 342,705, but most of that growth occurred in the 5 years to 2018, when there was an 81% increase. (There was a 10% increase in the 2018-2023 period.)

The number of people who said they were agnostics increased between 2018 to 2023 (by 14%, to 7434). However, the number of atheists declined (by 7%, to 6549). (Incidentally, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster also declined, by 4.5% to 3297!)

Christian – not further defined

Of high proportional increase is the number of people who state that they are Christian, but do not further define their denominational affiliation. This population has increased at a rate considerably higher than population growth, increasing by 69% from 216,177 to 364,644 from 2013 to 2023. However, the rate of increase of this population has also slowed – from 42% in the 2013 to 2018 period to 18% in the 2018 to 2023 period. (The annualised rate of increase is 3.7% in the 2018-2023 period, down from 8.5% between 2013 and 2018.)

This continues a trend of declining importance of denominational affiliation. Now, 22.5% of those who indicate they are Christian do not name any denominational affiliation in the Census, compared with 11.5% in 2013.

Christian – denominations

The number and proportion of people naming an affiliation with most Christian denominations has declined markedly over the past ten years. Generally, this continues an expected decline, including as these populations age. The largest declining denominations are shown here:

Denomination20132023% change
Brethren nfd and Open Brethren12,8525,097-60%
Methodist nfd97,32041,337-58%

Also showing an overall decline are the Pentecostal groupings of churches (down 11% overall). However, individual Pentecostal ‘denominations’ show varying patterns of growth and decline. Looking at the larger groupings, some grew between 2013 and 2018 but declined to 2023 (Destiny, Elim, New Life, Vineyard). Only Assemblies of God showed sustained growth in both periods, although most of the growth occurred 2013 to 2018 (8%, cf 9% for the decade; 1% 2018-2023).

Denomination20132023% change
All Pentecostal7443966213-11%

Other groupings (with over 1000 adherents) to show sustained growth in both intercensal periods are Seventh-day Adventists (up 25% over the decade, to 18,204), Korean Christian (4,110), Reformed Baptist (195% increase to 1,152), Plymouth or Exclusive Brethren (28%, to 7,170), Churches of Christ (together all subcategories increased from 2145 in 2013 to 4203 in 2023; up 96%). Wesleyan Methodists first featured in 2018 and increased by 11% to 5,136 in 2023. Tongan Methodists showed sustained growth: from 4509 in 2013 to 12540 in 2023 (178%), with most of that growth occurring in the 2013 to 2018 period. Some other ethnic churches also showed sustained growth: Cook Island (no denomination stated), 38%; Samoan Congregational, 136%; (Methodists not elsewhere classified also grew by 207% over the ten years to 3753.)

The number of people simply calling themselves Evangelical declined by 32% to 4149, while those saying they are “born again” increased from 7917 to 29,061 over the decade (but had peaked at 33,486 in 2018). “Jesus followers” were first recorded in 2018 and increased to 2073 in 2023.

Christian – overall

Overall, the number and proportions of Christians in Aotearoa has continued to decline, but the rate of decline has been relatively stable over the decade: 1.5% per year between 2013 and 2018 and 1.4% per year between 2018 and 2023.

Altogether, 32% of New Zealanders state that they are of Christian religious affiliation – 1,620,555 people.

Māori religions

The 2023 reporting separates Māori religions, and I have not included any Māori religions or Christian denominations above. Overall, Māori religions, beliefs and philosophies have increased by 16% over the decade. An increase in Rātana is partially offset by a decline in Ringatū.

Other religions

Many other religions are growing. After Christianity, Hinduism is the largest religion, and its adherents increased by 59% in the decade from 89,085 in 2013 to 142,008 in 2023. The number of people of Islamic faith also increased, by nearly 50%, from 45,960 in 2013 to 68,538 in 2023. For context, the number of people affiliated with Hinduism and the Islamic faith (210,546) is now larger than Pentecostal, Methodist, Baptist and Brethren combined (141,195).

The number of people of New Age religions increased by 17% overall between 2013 and 2023 (to 21,540), with a higher rate of increase in the latter 5 years (1.9% per annum between 2018 and 2023, compared with 1.4% growth per annum 2013 to 2018).

Final thoughts

Overall, there is an ongoing decline in the number of people affiliated with Christianity – but much of that decline is due to people no longer naming an affiliation with a particular historically large denomination. Christians are increasingly likely to name themselves as simply that: Christian. Some smaller denominations are growing, and there continues to be growth in some ethnic groupings of churches.

More analysis is needed on all this data. The ethnic differences need to be unpacked further, as do other groupings. When available, cross tabulations with age and ethnicity will enable further analysis and insights. Watch this space!

If citing, use: Taylor, Lynne (2024) “2023 Religious Affiliation: The Numbers.”

Card from Jesus Deck – A Census of the Whole World

It is an exciting day for me! My first Monday (aka AngelWings day) since a massive release of 2023 Census data!!

As well as being generally interested in a whole host of data (and I’ll be back to make some comments on that), I’m excited because it means that I can start to prepare the 2023 Community Profiles: I have been providing such profiles to churches for the past 30(!) years…

I came up with the idea of producing Community Demographic profiles when I was doing my honours in human geography in 1992 – I took a course/paper on geographic information systems (they were new and exciting then!) and SuperMap 2 had just been released, containing the 1991 Census data. It was amazing! I could see the potential for churches to understand their communities, and wrote an assignment on it, later pitching the idea of providing community profiles, to (the newly established) Vision New Zealand.

They said yes, to fresh-out-of-uni me! Alan Withy was a key supporter, and Bruce Patrick as well. I remember Keith Hay Homes helped fund the purchase of the software and some generous denominations also pitched in advance payments, which enabled it to go ahead. (The software and hardware was Quite Expensive, as you might imagine.)

I developed the original profile, and have streamlined and amended over the years. I’ve done hundreds and hundreds of them… certainly over 1000.

I’ve provided profiles to churches of all denominations, but especially for Baptist churches, having produced them FREE as part of my role there since 1997. Most Baptist churches ask for them as part of the process of finding a new minister. They were also part of the church review documents (when external consultants did reviews). I also reviewed each BU Tindall Application based on the demographics (which Tindall loved and wanted me to do for more groups, but this idea fizzled with the delay to the 2011/2013 census).

In 2008, I took a roadshow (well, I flew) to Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland where I walked through what the 150 participants might learn from their profiles. When I was asked to speak at Arrow leadership training, I’d provide the profiles (free!) and we’d work through them together.

Having moved to Adelaide, and with the delay to the 2011 Census, I was seriously considering stopping providing profiles before the 2013 data came out. I was doing my PhD by then, and wondered if it was time to stop. BUT! I attended a course taught by John and Olive Drane, at which John randomly handed out cards from the Jesus Deck. The card I was given is pictured and it seemed very much like a God-prompt to continue😊And here I still am.

What’s involved in preparing profiles? A three-stage process…

  • I take the data from Stats NZ and get it into a format that I can work with. (That small sentence requires Quite A Bit Of Work)
  • I prepare a profile template into which I can copy and paste data from the spreadsheets
  • Once all that is done, it is pretty speedy to produce a profile (provided the church provides good information on which areas to include)

Today’s task is to see what will be involved in getting the 2023 data into a usable format. Each time has been different and a new tool has been released this time around. I’m hoping it will be as intuitive as the demo seemed to be and that the path forward will be quickly obvious…

People find the profiles helpful, saying:

  • “Thanks for this work – very, very interesting.”
  • “Many thanks for this, it makes interesting reading”
  • “Your resource looks really good and is something that would be helpful for local congregations to get to know their local context.”
  • “Thanks Lynne this is super helpful”

Watch this space for more!

Canada and NZ in conversation

I was excited this week to receive proofs of a book chapter I’d been invited to write, as well as notification that another short article has been published. So that’s nice timing, just before my Research Leave starts! It is a brief response to the Canadian census data, which reflects on our 2018 NZ census data. You’ll find it in the journal Post-Christendom Studies in a special edition on the 2021 census.

May be an image of ‎studying, ticket stub and ‎text that says "‎ام [PCS (2023- 2024) ZEALAND LEARNING FROM INSIGHTS LynneTaylor Lynne New Zcaland University fOtago, Writingfrom the Future Whatever least hours ahead from future wel- that Cape Canada, Aotcaroa day According affiliated still Aotearoa and we Canadians Jam latest Census Down here, percent higher religion Zealand number 2023 data still waiting Christians. begin spirituality, discussing some characteristics secularization relcased.) brief then before differ- New church Zealand, situation consider the the offering (perhaps hopeful from research spiritu- interest This conclude continued Christian embrace provide insights for and demonstrates that "secularized" context navigate changed and search from churches Christians Canadian changing times.‎"‎‎

My neglected blog is up and running again, in perfect time to update you on research I am doing on contemporary faith formation! Last year, I was accepted as a Fellow on the University of Birmingham “New Perspectives on Social Psychology and Religious Cognition for Theologians” Fellowship. That’s a bit of a mouthful, but essentially the Fellowship is training theologians in psychological research methods and theories in relation to how God is seen and understood by people. Exciting, right?

I’ve been to Birmingham for two residentials with my fellow Fellows(!), where we all received loads of input and insights. I was also awarded funding and my fabulous research assistant (Dr Jessica Bent) and I embarked on an exciting new project…

In our research, we want to better understand the relationship between people’s perceptions of God and their aspirations towards living well. Many of you will already know about my doctoral research on why previously unchurched become Christians today. One of the interesting things that came up in the PhD was the match between what the new Christians I interviewed told me they appreciated about God’s character; and things that they aspired to be more like themselves. They told me that they saw God as loving, patient, accepting and forgiving. They also told me they wanted to be more loving, patient, accepting and forgiving themselves! Fascinating, right? Our current project extends that research (in exciting ways, we think!). In our current project, we ask if God representations of recently baptised adult Christians correlate with the attributes they aspire to live out themselves.

We hope that this research will not only contribute to theological and psychological theory, but also help churches and Christians understand how they can best support people towards flourishing.

At the moment, we are at the exciting stage of recruiting participants from NZ Baptist churches for the project. Through an online questionnaire, participants will share about their faith journey, their experiences of other Christians and of God, and their reflections on a series of virtues/characteristics. (We will also be running focus groups later on this topic.)

If you would like to partner with us in the work we are doing, please pass on the link below to anyone over the age of 18 who has been baptised in the last five years. (We’re keen to hear from both those who are active and regular members of their worshipping communities as well as people who have changed churches or denominations or even stopped attending. The stories and reflections of all our participants are needed!)

Here’s the link to the Information Sheet about the project:

Contact lynne(dot)taylor(at)otago(dot)ac(dot)nz if you have any questions!

Chaplaincy and dementia care

Here’s the final catch up post!

This article is a particular joy as it came out of research one of my students, Annabel Hawkes did on dementia care chaplaincy. Annie is a social worker, who volunteers as a chaplain and is passionate about dementia care. I supervised her research dissertation on the work of two Anglican chaplains who work in residential dementia care homes. Once the dissertation was completed, I spent a couple of days turning it into a journal article and we found a home for it in Religions. The article explores the idea of personhood and the work of these chaplains as they offered a ministry of personal and sacramental presence to the residents.

You can read it here:

Hawkes, Annabel, and Lynne Taylor (2024). “Presence and Personhood: Investigating Christian Chaplaincy Care in Two Residential Dementia Units.” Religions 15 (2): 704 (12 pages).

And carrying on the catch up: my excellent research assistant, Jessica Bent and I published an article last year on preaching during the early days of covid-19. We had analysed the online worship services of three NZ churches, from March 2020 and brought the data into conversation with Neil Pembroke’s work on therapeutic and theocentric preaching. Each of the churches studied balanced the theocentric and therapeutic in helpful and interesting ways.

As we note, “The theocentric related to God’s character and attributes (particularly God’s love, attentive presence and faithfulness), and activity and power. The therapeutic was expressed by lamenting and acknowledging pain, offering words of comfort, and inviting response, including in care for others. For each church, the goal was towards human flourishing: shalom, or well-being even amid difficult circumstances.”

You can read it here:

Taylor, Lynne and Jessica Bent (2023). “Theocentric Therapeutic Preaching: Good News During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society 23 (2): 70-97.

Writing on writing

I’m doing a bit of a catch up here! Here’s an article I co-wrote, on writing. Back in June 2021, Steve Taylor, Elaine Heath, Nigel Rooms and I each gave a ten-minute presentation on missional writing at the Ecclesial Futures International Missional Research Workshops. Following that, I suggested we co-author an article on writing and we worked on it together over several weeks. The article was peer reviewed and published in the international journal Ecclesial Futures. (It’s a great journal – diamond open access, so free to publish and free to read.)

The article is a practical piece that talks about various stages of the writing and editing process. It draws on Helen Sword’s BASE habits of writing (behavioural, artisanal, social, and emotional), outlines two different approaches to writing, gives some practical insights on how to deal with the dreaded stuck-ness that can occur in writing, and then provides a step-by-step guide to responding to peer review comments.

You can read it here:

Taylor, Lynne, Elaine Heath, Nigel Rooms, and Steve Taylor (2021). “Courageous, Purposeful and Reflexive: Writing as a Missional and Emergent Task.” Ecclesial Futures 2 (2):  99-119.

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