NZ Community Demographics

Community demographics based on the 2018 Census data are now available. These will help you to better understand the people who make up your wider community, including ethnicity, income, occupation, religious affiliation, age-sex structure and much more.  Follow the instructions below to access the information, helping you as you engage missionally in your community.

The cost for this extensive report is $150 + GST

Sample available here

Here’s what you need to do, so I can produce your profile.

  1. Think about the area to include in your profile. Prayerfully consider the local community that you have a particular missional concern for NOT the area that people in your church come from. Of course, the latter is likely to be larger, but the bigger the area you select, the more any local characteristics will be disguised.
  2. Go to: 
  3. In the Layer List, make sure “statistical area” is in selected. Then, close or minimise the Layer List.
  4. Type your church address: into the “Find address or place” box. Include the number as well as the name. Once you start typing some address options will come up: choose yours.
  5. Zoom out so you can see the area surrounding your church.
  6. Consider the statistical area boundaries alongside the area that you identified in Step 1.
  7. Record the names of the statistical areas that you are interested in. You’re likely to have 2-5 that are near your church, that make up a sort of local community.
  8. Email me on nzdemographics (at) gmail (dot) com with the names of the statistical areas you want included. If you have a particular date that you would like the data by, please let me know. Otherwise, I will make my way through the requests in the order that they are received.

I will combine all the area units together and produce a report that you can share with your church leadership.

Lynne Taylor
Researcher, AngelWings Ltd.